Wednesday Night Bible Study - Bro. Randy Youmans
Wednesday Night Bible Study - Bro. Randy Youmans
"Viewer Discretion is Advised pt. 2 " - Pastor Scott Gray
"Jepthah The Judge" - Pastor Scott Gray
Tough Topics - "Depression" - Pastor Scott Gray
"Viewer Discretion Is Advised" - Pastor Scott Gray
Why Do I Still Have My Burdens- Dr. Bob Gray Sr.
"Teaching the Bible to Your Family" - Pastor Scott Gray
Special Guests - The Matthews Family
"The Cost of Disobedience" - Pastor Scott Gray
"How To Have A Happy Thanksgiving" - Pastor Scott Gray
"Seeking the Saviour" - Pastor Scott Gray
Bible Doctrines "Handling Opposition" - Pastor Scott Gray
"Love Not The World" - Pastor Scott Gray
"Standing For God" - Pastor Scott Gray