"God and God Alone"- Pastor Scott Gray
"Forgiveness" Tough Topics - Pastor Scott Gray
"The Biblical Pattern for the Church" - Pastor Scott Gray
"When God is Gone" - Pastor Scott Gray
Tough Topics - Forgiveness - Pastor Scott Gray
"Viewer Discretion is Advised Pt 4" - Pastor Scott Gray
"The Spirit of the Lord" - Pastor Scott Gray
Tough Topics "Depression" Part 2 - Pastor Scott Gray
"Viewer Discretion is Advised - pt3" - Pastor Scott Gray
"The Birth of Samson" - Pastor Scott Gray
Special Christmas Service - Pastor Scott Gray
"Jesus" - Pastor Scott Gray
Wednesday Night Bible Study - Bro. Randy Youmans
"Viewer Discretion is Advised pt. 2 " - Pastor Scott Gray
"Jepthah The Judge" - Pastor Scott Gray